God I love renegade art. The street artist reminds us to 4 give. What is more powerful than forgiveness?
Sondra is bedfellows with Jesus and Jung.  Why not, they all think the same way.  In JC’s teachings people are bad
Light filled living and dining room with oak flooring Vintage stools are perfect seating for dog and bird watching in
eternalizing the moment
Eternalizing the Moment (ETM) is a distorted relationship with time.  This mindset perceives a momentary slice of time and responds as
Emotion is the primary driver of our actions, so it is useful to explore common patterns of behaviour that emotions
God I love that idea – honour Brian Sinclair at 425 Elgin Avenue by creating a memorial sculpture and revitalizing
The Boss is My Saviour
The desire to find something or someone beyond ourselves to save us from an undesirable experience is as natural to
dead rabbit
Musings: 1-3 1~Perspectives on death is discussed in all religions, as well as such instructive philosophies as the Seven Habits of
post card living room front
God I love that idea-providing shelter for street-involved people on city parking lots.  By the word shelter I simply mean